1 room in large house of young professionals



Location : , Burnaby V5b2x9 BC, Canada

Hi there! We are looking for one more roommate to join our large house of recently graduated young professionals in their 20s. The house has 6 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a large living room, kitchen, and backyard. We are all very social and are looking for someone who is looking to make new friends and have a good time on weekends, but also works hard and enjoys quiet time during the week. The house is available as of June 15th and rent is $535 +utilities (divided between all of us). The house is fully furnished, but the room will be unfurnished. The house is a 2 minute walk to Holdom Skytrain station, and steps away from a buy low foods, liquor store and many other shops.
If you think you make a good candidate for the house, please text me a small bio about yourself and feel free to ask any questions!
Looking to hear back from you soon,
Nicole, Koche, Adam, Michael, Himani



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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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