Birth Wishes / Birth Plan Workshop



Location : North Vancouver, BC V7J 1J3

Whether this is your first birth, second birth, or fifth birth, many mothers and their partners find it helpful to make a list of desires for their birth experience. Many people refer to this list as a ‘Birth Plan’. I like to refer to them as your list of ‘Birth Wishes’. This can be helpful in achieving a most positive birth experience.

A Birth Wishes document is helpful whether you are having a hospital birth, birth centre birth, or home birth, with either an obstetrician, midwife, or family doctor. It is a great way to make sure that everyone sharing your birth experience with you, know exactly what you are hoping from for your birth and postpartum experience.

One of the most important aspects of Your Birth Wishes Document is the experience of learning how to create one and creating it with your partner. This opens up the opportunity to learn and encouraged open communication of your desires with your partner. You will have a chance to discuss some of the ‘what if’s’. For example, what if you need a c-section? Who would you like to be with you? If they need to take your baby for observation, would you like your partner to stay with you or stay with your baby? A Birth Wishes Consultation will also teach you about how can you incorporate your birth wishes to have the most positive birth and postpartum experience, regardless of how your birth looks, even if you end up needing a c-section.

Please note that all classes are currently occuring as an Online Virtual Instructor-Led Workshop on Zoom as per health offical recommendations, for your health and safety (due to COVID-19).

Class taught by an experienced Birth Doula.

Private 1:1 Class Investment
$75 + gst, per couple

Virtual Instructor-led Group Class Investment
$55 + gst per couple

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