Wanted: How do you feel about covid-19? Study is recruiting!


Location : Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4

Study Title: How do you feel about Covid-19?

Eligibility Requirements: Seeking individuals who are 17 years or older who can read and write well in English to partake in a two-part study.

Study description: The objective of this two-phase study is to examine the relationship between personality characteristics and life circumstances on coping responses to the 2019 Coronavirus (Covid-19). For phase 1, participants will complete an online questionnaire. The online questionnaire will ask questions about participants’ current life circumstances (e.g., employment status and type, how they are currently affected by Covid-19), their mental health status (e.g., anxiety, depression), how they cope with negative life events or challenges, and how they feel about the future. The second phase of the study will consist of completing daily online expressive writing activities for fourteen consecutives days. Participants will be asked to reflect on things that occurred earlier that day, while following guides to help them reflect on these events. The second phase of the study will also consist of completing three follow-up online questionnaires (2 weeks, 1 month, and 3 months after completing the writing program). Enrollment in phase 2 of the study requires the completion of the online questionnaire for phase 1. If participants are interested in enrolling in phase 2, they will have the opportunity to provide us with their email address to commence phase 2. This study has received ethical approval by the ethics board at the University of Ottawa.

Duration: The first phase of the study will take approximately 30-45 minutes to complete. For the second phase of the study, each writing entry will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete with the exception of the first session, which will take approximately 15-20 minutes to complete. Each follow-up survey will take approximately 30-40 minutes to complete.

Benefits: The opportunity to engage in self-reflection and learn techniques that could help process and cope with challenges caused by Covid-19.

Compensation: The opportunity to win one of four 50$ money orders. Each writing session completed will correspond to the number of chances you will have to win one of four money prizes in a draw.

Contact: If participants have any questions about our research, they are encouraged to contact the research assistant (Kheana Barbeau, kbarb006@uottawa.ca).

Study link : http://uottawapsy.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_ergiMXhZKmwsvt3



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