University Graduate ONLINE Tutor: Math and Computer Science


Location : 8322 130 St, Surrey, BC V4P 3E6, Canada


Are you worried about the next school term? Do you prefer to interact with instructors rather than read your textbook? My name is Sebastian Ruan (a computer science graduate from the University of Waterloo) and I am here to offer you interactive learning through online tutoring sessions. I use screen sharing and the latest in digital writing technology to facilitate our one on one remote teaching service. You will find a list of courses and topics below. If your course is not listed feel free to ask if I can help. If you are interested give me a call at 647-382-1773 to book a free first session.

High school courses:

Math: Gr. 9 to Gr. 11 Academic, Gr. 12 Advanced Functions, Gr. 12 Calculus and Vectors

Computer Science: Gr. 11 and 12 Python and Java programming

Science: Gr. 9 and 10

Physics: Gr. 11 and 12

Chem: Gr. 11 and 12

Post Secondary Courses:

Computer Science: Python, C, C++, JavaScript, HTML, CSS

Physics: First year physics

Chem: First year Chemistry



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