Starting a Freelife Sustainable Colony


Location : Vancouver, BC V5K 1A4


Do you see the global agenda taking place? Do you see to what extent the economy and food production will be affected? Do you see how politicians are simply unaware or playing along with this agenda? Are you prepared to survive when there is a food shortage? When the power grid shuts down and there is no electricity, running water, or heat? When new draconian health laws are passed? Civil chaos, war, theft, and looting ? Do you have a backup plan? Do you know how to live off-grid, out of the packed cities? Could you survive in the wilderness if needed?

We would like to be prepared! We are preppers, for when SHTF. We are a small family of 4 – husband, wife, and 2 babies. We also have a close group of friends and family who are also prepper-minded. We are looking for like-minded individuals. We want to be prepared.

Ideally, we are looking for people who would like to pool some money together to invest in the rental or purchase of some land, and learn how to build simple homes, grow food, and live off-grid, creating a small community who can live a sustainable life, with shelter, food, water, warmth, and security!

We are also open to living in central and South America, and we have been researching areas of interest. Message us if interested in this once in a lifetime opportunity to be prepared, before it’s too late to make a move.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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