
Location : Vancouver, BC V7Y 1G5

Selling a PS4 500GB console. With P.T. Limited Demo. (More info below)

Release Date: limited demo version
Genre: Horror
Publisher: Kojima Productions, Konami, Silent Hills Series
Developer: 7780s STUDIO

Excellent shape and working great!


500gb Playstation 4 console,
controller with charger cable,
power and HDMI cables,
as well as fan platform for console (direct charging).

& limited P.T. game.

People are selling the console between $250 & $400.

Some looking for me as it has the P.T. game on it.

People are selling this version for $600-$1000.

Make an offer & how we can do this. (I believe I have to give you my account too)

Please don’t ask for trades or a way lower amount. Looking to sell as I’m moving.

I live in the DTES, but work DT area. I can live FT for you to see the working game & or try it out.

P.T. (initialism for “playable teaser”) is a first-person psychological horror video game developed by Kojima Productions, under the pseudonym “7780s Studio”, and published by Konami. The game was directed and designed by Hideo Kojima, in collaboration with film director Guillermo del Toro.
Released for the PlayStation 4 on 12 August 2014 as a free download on the PlayStation Network, P.T. served primarily as an interactive teaser for the game Silent Hills, a cancelled instalment in the Silent Hill series. After the cancellation, Konami removed P.T. from the PlayStation Store and eliminated the opportunity to re-install the game, a decision that later spawned criticism, fan efforts to allow P.T. to be re-downloaded and fan remakes of the game.
P.T. received critical acclaim for its direction, visuals, story complexity, and its supernatural horror tension build, but reviews were mixed for its puzzles.

P.T. was originally announced at Gamescom 2014 as a demo for an eponymous mystery horror video game. It was released on 12 August 2014, on the PlayStation Network. Instead of formally announcing a new Silent Hill game, director Hideo Kojima decided to release P.T. as a game demo from a nonexistent gaming studio called 7780s Studio.


Playstation 4, PS4, PT, P.T., Kojima Productions, Konami, Silent Hills, Hideo Kojima, Guillermo del Toro, PlayStation Network, 7780s Studio, Horror, first-person, psychological, video game, video games, wanted, offer, console, 500gb, account



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