Lost & Found Rings… Find your lost ring here! Trusted Service


Location : Vancouver, BC V5S 4H5

Lost & FOUND RINGS / Find Your Lost Ring Here! **A Trusted Service** (Vancouver/Lower Mainland)

***The Ring Finders Metal Detecting Service Inc.***

* Lost your Ring? Don’t just trust anyone to search for your most sentimental and valuable lost jewelry…Trust only the very best!

* Lost Wedding Rings/Any Ring…It can now be found!

* Search Locations: Vancouver/Lower Mainland, Anywhere. Beaches, Parks, Lakes & Yards…If you’ve lost your ring, cellphone, keys…I can find it! Land & Water Searches.

* I personally have found and returned over 500 lost rings back to their very Happy owners.

* I work on a ”Reward Basis” What it’s worth to you to have your lost ring found and what you can afford. A call-out fee to cover my gas may apply depending on where you live.

* Over $8.1 Million in lost jewelry returned to the owners through The Ring Finders Directory!!!

* Call Chris Turner- 778-838-3463

** A Trusted Service Since 1995 **



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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