
Location : , V5s2h7, Vancouver, BC

10 acres Hobby Farm
Located in Quesnel BC
Farm status = low property tax $ 274.80 (2019)
Only 20min from Quesnel

House 1100sqft:
2 bedroom, office, 1 full bathroom, kitchen, dining area, living room with wood stove, big laundry room and pantry. Covert porch in the front and deck in the back of the house. The house is well insulated, wood heat.
Guest Cabin:
solar power, sleep up to 4 person
Excellent well (good drinking water)
Big barn with water & power, 2 animal shelter, tool shop with wood storage, insulated shop with cement floor, drainage & power.
Property is complete fenced and cross fenced. Several pasture with water hydrants.
Good hay field: ~400 square bales
Property sold as is.
Asking $370.000 or make a serious offer
Possible to buy haying equipment – separate price



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Safety tips for deal
  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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