
Location : Port Moody, BC V3H 1S1

Parting ways with my Haunted Movie Theater Halloween Yard Display. We are working on a new concept to allow for a “Covid-19 Friendly” Halloween experience this year.

– Ticket Booth
– (4) 4’×8′ Wall Panels w/ Posters
– Doorway
– 5′ 9″ × 10′ Projector Screen
– (4) Movie Theater Seats
– Concession Stand

*skeletons, characters, and other props pictured are not included sorry*

These are solid set peices but they are about 4 years old now and have some wear and tear. Could use a little TLC. Ideal for other passionate Home Haunters that have a love for Halloween and are looking to upgrade or add to their display.

You are guaranteed to have the best house on the block!! Message me for more details and if you have any questions.

*will require a big truck to pick-up*



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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