Haku is a playful pup that has suffered the most horrific ordeal as many others do in Mexico. It is believed that is a dog has mange (and poor Haku had terrible mange) can be cured by pouring hot old motor oil over the dog. Despite everything he has been through Haku is a loving, playful and loving pup.
Haku is 9-10 months old and weighs 9 kg he will stay a medium-sized pup. Haku is medium energy, great with dogs and cats and loves people. Good on the leash he has so much to give a new family.
Haku has been health checked, vaccinated, neutered and is ready for a life in Canada.
More photos and videos at Facebook.com/groups/dogsforadoptioncanada
For an application to adopt Haku please email rescueadog@icloud.com serious enquires only, please.