Busy Beavers (Online Webinar)



Location : 610 Pipeline Rd, Vancouver, BC(

Float over to this webinar to learn about one of Stanley Park’s most charismatic creatures – the beaver! During this program, you will find out the beaver basics, like what they eat, why they chomp on trees, and the difference between lodges and dams. We’ll also talk about the beavers that live in Stanley Park, including how many live there, when they arrived, and how they help keep their namesake, Beaver Lake, healthy!
Photo: Mark White
*Tickets must be purchased in advance. Fees for this program are based on a sliding scale – you choose what you pay! Your contributions help us bring you more online programs like this one!
**Only one ticket required per household.
***If this event fills to capacity, members of Stanley Park Ecology Society will be given first priority to any tickets that open up due to cancellations.
Price: $5 members / $10 – $20 non-members
Tickets: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/busy-beavers-online-tickets-110314852694
More info: https://stanleyparkecology.ca/event/busy-beavers-online/



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