Ballet Stories for Children – Fantastic Illustrations Book



Location : Martin Drive, Surrey, BC

********************* PLEASE NOTE ***********************
If you prefer, I am accepting PayPal payment at this time.
If you are paying in cash I would appreciate exact change.
I am also offering to drop the item off to you, by your car, in our parking lot,
or I can (depending on the product) mail it to you if you would like.
Down the road this will change back to normal. Thanks, Andrea
This book is a 9″x 12″ hardcover. Clean and neat without writing, tears, or smells.

This book contains seven stories from the ballet: Coppelia, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Nutcracker, Petrouhka, The Firebird and Swan Lake. But what makes this book extra special to me is that each story is illustrated by a different illustrator and they are wonderful. Great stories to read at bedtime.

Thank you for looking at this book. I am selling it as I need to thin down my various collections which have grown huge over approx. 30 years of collecting. If you want to bookmark me I will be putting up more things as I work my way through my locker, my shelves, my closets and cupboards. I would be happy to meet with you to pass this item along. We are in White Rock – right by the Semihamoo Mall. Cash only please. We are a – no smoking – no pet – home.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me. I prefer contact via email. This is a cross-listed item.

Thanks, Andrea

Keywords:, book, children, reading, ballet, costume, stage, romance, adventure , dance



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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