Algorithmic Trader | C++ | C# | VBA | Java | Python | Ubuntu


Location : Vancouver, BC V6S 2E9, Canada

I would describe myself as an experienced (over 20 years) financial mathematician and technologist. I came from a banking background, and have worked in many top banks – Bank of America Merrill Lynch , Bank of New York, HSBC, Royal Bank of Canada, Dresdner, FTSE and Credit Suisse.
✔️ Algorithmic Trading Strategies (High Frequency Trading, Pair Trading, Market Making, Order Book Imbalance and Short Term Alpha)
✔️ Stochastic Control Theory (Mean Fields Game Theory)
✔️ High-Performance Computing – Intel Xeon Phi Knights Landing
✔️ Unit Stride Access for Vector Registers, Optimized data re use in caches
✔️ Multi-Threading (OpenMP), Cluster Computing (MPI)
✔️ Reinforcement Learning (Dyna-Q Algorithm)
✔️ Kdb+ high-performance column-store time series database
✔️ NLP IBM Watson, Q-Box and Dialog Flow
✔️ C, Q, C++, R, VBA, Python, Java, C#, Verilog, CUDA, Bash, Ubuntu, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, Assembly, SQL, MDX, Matlab and Julia

⭐ Stellar reviews and feedback
⭐ A strong portfolio and work history
⭐ Quality work & satisfaction is guaranteed
⭐ No upfront payment is required

* As a self employed consultant I provide technical services to Fin Tech companies, Experienced Traders (High net worth), Investment Banks, Hedge funds and Brokers.



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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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