
Location : M2M3Y2, Canada

Hello, we are a virtual CPA firm providing personal tax return, corporate tax return, HST return as well as various other tax and accounting services.

Services offered include:
– Personal tax returns (T1) for all individuals including employees, self employed contractors, medical professionals, trades people, construction workers, lawyers, Uber/Lyft drivers, real estate investors, stock market investors, students and more
– Corporate Tax returns (T2) for various corporations – Inquire for more details
– HST returns
– Adjustments to prior year tax returns
– Tax planning and other services such as claiming deductions/credits for moving expenses, employment expenses, home office expenses, child care expenses, medical expenses, home accessibility, senior transit credit and more

We will work with you to ensure that you receive the maximum refund (or minimize any balance owing) while complying with all of the CRA and income tax act requirements

Contact 705-910-3138 or visit for a free consultation

Note: Due to the Corona virus situation, all documents/receipts are being exchanged through email and or courier. All correspondence is taking place over email, telephone and Skype. The CRA has extended the tax filing deadline to June 1st 2020, while the deadline to pay any taxes owing for 2019 has been extended to September 1st 2020.

Currently, no in person meetings are being arranged, and everything is done remotely, however the situation is being closely monitored and is subject to change



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  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers

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