Private tutor in Math, Science and English


Location : Calgary, AB, Canada

I’m a private tutor business owner with a passion for helping children and adults in their educational pursuits. I’m knowledgable in Math, Science, and English and have taught grade 1 to grade 12, as well as university level, in all of these subjects. I am well versed in the CBE and Catholic school curriculum to help your child understand the most important information for their particular grade level.
A bit about myself: I have been a teacher for over 10 years and a private tutor for over 5 years. I have a Bachelor’s in Health Science from MRU and am currently completing a Master’s in Neuroscience at U of C. I’ve received International CRLA tutor training to teach you or your child your/their particular learning style, strategies for studying effectively, ways to better manage time, and improve organization skills based on scientifically proven methods. Additionally, I have experience working with children and teens with ADHD, anxiety, and non-specific learning disabilities.
Due to the pandemic, online tutoring is currently offered at a reduced rate of $35/hr. Thanks for your interest!



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