Wanted: Vintage Comics + Toys Star Wars Lego Batman +more Pay Well!


Location : Cartier St, Vancouver, BC V6M 3A5

Hi all,

I am seeking all vintage toys and comics from the 20th century as well as modern era. I pay well, and will travel anywhere to view single items or entire collections. Some of the items I am seeking include:

-ALL COMIC COLLECTIONS! From early 20th century to modern day, rare or common, single books or entire collections! I pay well and will travel to view, look forward to talking with you!
-Vintage and new STAR WARS toys and comics. Figures, carded figures, vehicles, playsets and more
-Vintage and new TRANSFORMERS toys and comics. Figures, carded figures, vehicles, playsets and more
-Vintage and new GI JOE toys and comics. Figures, carded figures, vehicles, playsets and more
-Vintage/new Diecast toy cars and playsets. Including DINKY TOYS, LESNEY, CORGI, MATCHBOX +more
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, BATMAN, Ghostbusters, He Man, all Action figures/playsets and comics and more!
-ALL LEGO, vintage and new, single figures or entire collections, boxed or loose sets, pay well
–All Nintendo NES, Super Nintendo SNES, N64, Gamecube Nintendo games and systems -All Nintendo portable systems and games, including Gameboy, Gameboy color, Gameboy advance, Gameboy DS and 3DS – All Sega, Sega Genesis, Sega Saturn, Sega gamegear systems, games and accessories -Popular titles such as Zelda, Mario, Metroid, Final Fantasy, as well as rare and obscure games -Boxed systems and boxed games in good condition -PlayStation 1 and 2 games -Obscure games and systems such as Atari Jaguar, CD-I, Turbographics 16, etc -Video game books, instruction manuals, cases, games, posters vintage store displays and more
-We also are looking for vintage items from the 20th century, feel free to message me!

If you have anything I mentioned or think I would like, feel free to call/text anytime at 403 715 8282, or message me here- and I will get back to you asap.

Thanks for looking! 🙂



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