
Location : Vancouver, BC V6M4B4, Canada

I tutor financial accounting and managerial/cost accounting, specializing in the introductory level.

Let me explain accounting to you in language you can understand!

I have experience with courses taught at the undergraduate and MBA level at many local Colleges (Langara, Kwantlen, Douglas, Camosun), Universities (UBC, SFU, Capilano, Royal Roads), through long distance programs throughout Canada, and the Chartered Professional in Human Resources (CHRP) and the Real Estate Brokers programs. I am a qualified Accountant with over 18 years of accounting experience and have taught accounting at the University and College level. I am available almost most day of the week from 8:00 am to 7:00 pm.

I also tutor online using Skype video or FaceTime. This is very practical and works well. We can share screens and documents.




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  1. Use a safe location to meet seller
  2. Avoid cash transactions
  3. Beware of unrealistic offers