Advantages Of Using Classified Ads In Your Online Store

With this background, it can be indicated that mobile advertising is today an effective means to connect brands with their target audiences. In this context, the main reasons why users in the US and Canada Search for classified ads are: 


Savings and income generation 


In each place and at any time, users can become aware of articles susceptible to becoming a new business, especially in times of crisis. In turn, there are items that, during their life cycle, can have one or more owners and thus save on costs. 


Ease and speed 


A seller can make their item visible to millions of interested users in a few minutes and get in touch in a few minutes. Speed ​​is crucial; the application allows them to see the available offers according to their geolocation; the deal they are looking for can be found just around the corner. 


Anytime, anywhere 


It is no longer necessary to take photos from a camera, transfer them to the computer, and then post an ad; Thanks to mobility, users can generate their ad from wherever they are, illustrating their offer with photos taken with their smartphone. 


While looking for products and services in the famous yellow pages was the usual option for our grandparents and parents, and even for ourselves, the Internet’s appearance changed the search for information on companies that could solve our needs. 


Thus, with the objective of not succumbing to the web, classified advertising began a few years ago a gradual and far from easy process to bring its value to the Internet without forgetting its roots; but achieving a reconfiguration rethinking within this business. 


The weight of the classified 


Companies dedicated to classifieds had a hard time understanding how to take advantage of the Internet and find what benefits they can offer their customers in this changing environment. 


In Canada’s case, as before, classifieds continue to be a medium that seeks to give a presentation to large companies and especially small and medium-sized companies (SMEs), and we are now an integral solution for them. 


And it is that even though advertising investment on the Internet is currently dominated by the display -up to 67% -, classifieds have 10% of the market in their hands, thus being the third category in the that companies bet the most. 




The breadth of turns with which classifieds work was practically the main strength in which companies in this niche could bet to enter the digital world. 


This is how the classifieds were gradually creating solid platforms on the Internet. They transferred their clients from the usual pages of their books or newspapers to the digital environment. 




This is a highly relevant topic, especially for SMEs, since this aspect allows more and more people to get to know them when they search the classifieds to solve their needs. 


Classifieds can provide a digital space to companies to show their qualities, and they can not only be left behind in the classic environment. 




After establishing themselves in a classifieds platform, the brands that are promoted in this way can benefit greatly from the agreements that companies have with search engines to always appear on the web when required. 




How the new classifieds industry works seeks to accompany the companies that join them, creating various fruitful strategies that allow companies to have an adequate tour of the web. Thus, firms have support to deal with all kinds of issues, from issues that have to do with the digital environment itself to those related to the company’s identity. 




Unlike what it costs to advertise in traditional media such as television, radio, or print, relying on classifieds is a possibility for many SMEs, who do have the capacity to make investments in this medium. 


Betting on this means of digital advertising is more profitable for medium-sized companies because they have various services that allow them not to just stay in a simple ad. 


Why AskTom is the best choice? 


With AskTom, free is a state of mind. Posting a classified ad on AskTom website is free, and you have no superfluous costs to correct it or add photos. In addition to saving money, you save time. With each free ad deposit, you earn bonus points. With these points, you get visibility options for your ads. You can customize your seller page. You create an avatar in your image; you get badges to better illustrate your profile (verified address, the week’s seller, ambassador). You create a unique storage room, just like you! 

